Keelboat Sailing

To promote and facilitate the sport of sailing within Preston Dock’s approximately 40 acres of sheltered, non-tidal water in the heart of our city, Preston Marina offers the following exclusive scheme to owners of small keelboats, highlights of which include;

  • A large discount off Preston Marina’s published rates for mooring, launching, recovery and hard standing.
  • 1/2 price RYA training for 2 crew members
  • Sail 7 days per week, 365 days per year – subject to appropriate weather and daylight.
  • Group sailing (subject to interest) – Wednesday evenings and Sundays.
  • Marina facilities include car parking & showers, coffee shop and chandlery shop.

Keelboat Storage Prices (all prices include VAT);

Summer Season (April 1st – September 30th) = £30 per month, 3 month minimum..

All payments to be made in full at the commencement of each season. No refunds will be given. Subject to application, acceptance and available space.

Launch / recovery (by marina crane) 2 free lifts per season on pre-assigned “Club Lifting Days” (4 per year). Other lifts can be arranged at a rate of £45 per lift (or £25 if the boat is fitted with appropriate lifting eyes). All lifts must be to/from the boat’s own trailer which must support the boat safely. Masts to be stepped / un-stepped by boat owner. If the marina crane is used then the marina’s prevailing published tariff will apply.

Empty Trailer Storage (summer only) = £10 per month (multiple trailers may be stacked).

Any other services are as per Preston Marina’s published tariff.

Special Conditions

In addition to the General Terms & Conditions of Preston Marine Services Ltd. (available from Preston Marina website or office) the following Special Conditions apply to this scheme;

  • Boats to have a permanent ballast keel and 20ft LOA (6.1m) or under that have been inspected and approved by Preston Marina may be accepted under this scheme.
  • Pontoon berths are on the south side of the marina (nearby public car park)
  • Boat’s moored at Preston Marina under this scheme may not go through the lock gates (other than to/from the marina crane by arrangement) and into the tidal basin or River Ribble. All on-water activities are to be conducted in the main dock basin only.
  • A limited number of marina berths are available for this scheme and there may be a requirement for multiple boats to share a pontoon or bay as directed by the marina.
  • Co-operation and courtesy towards others users of Preston Dock including the activities of Preston Dragon Boat Club’s is expected. This will be reciprocated.
  • All owners must ensure their boats are covered by at least a valid 3rd party insurance policy with a minimum liability limit of £3,000,000.
  • Please be aware that there is no safety boat on duty other than for pre-arranged events. All aboard must wear a suitable buoyancy aid or lifejacket, and all boats must carry a second means of propulsion (eg. paddles) so that they can return to its berth if unable to sail.
  • This scheme is for active keelboats only who will take part in sailing on the dock on a regular basis – please not that storage only will be charged at our usual rates.
  • Good seamanship is assumed and it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure boat’s moored at Preston Marina are kept in a safe condition and in such a way as to minimise any risks to other marina users or the marina infrastructure. This includes (but is not limited to) ensuring rain or other water ingress does not flood the boat, sails or covers do not become detached in any way, for example in high winds, mooring lines do not become detached and that your boat has adequate fenders deployed.

MAY 2024.